




Being as close to the air travel market as we are means we understand what those working in the industry need to know. Our training courses bring together expert practitioners from MIDAS Aviation and our Partners as they share knowledge and skills. 

These online courses provide accessible learning to those working in travel and tourism anywhere in the world, and providing a simple and cost-effective way to stay up-to-date, learn new things and be challenged to bring new insights and strategies to day-to-day work.

On completion of each course, students will receive a certificate and will also be entitled to a complimentary 30-minute Q&A with the instructor. 

The following courses are available:



The COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has caused massive disruption to tourism businesses and destination marketing everywhere. This course is designed to steer the user from crisis to recovery, guiding  the student through the steps needed to rebuild tourism and develop an effective plan to move forward.

Who is this course for:

The course is aimed at those working in governments, official tourism boards and associations, tourism businesses and other key players in the tourism eco-system. It provides the tools and essential guidance to understand the opportunities and challenges the tourism industry is facing, and explains how to execute a comprehensive tourism recovery plan. Using a combination of theory, global examples and case studies, course participants will learn key strategies to successfully segment the market in the new normal era, domestic and international strategies to stimulate demand and key considerations to reopen destinations and rebuild travel and customer confidence. 

Course agenda:


Module 1:  
From tourism and travel crisis to recovery and rethinking management 

  • COVID-19 impact in the tourism sector 

  •  Re-thinking and transforming the tourism sector 

  •  Adjusting the business model to meet near-term challenges 

  • Moving from crisis to recovery management strategy 

  • The government role to help the tourism sector reopen successfully

  • The role of data analytics 

  • The importance of communications

  •  Restoring and rebuilding traveller’s confidence - Value chain approach

MIDAS Aviation provides customised workshops about air service development.


Module 2:
Preparing a comprehensive tourism recovery plan 

  • Key elements of a recovery strategy

  • Tourism Board and tourism business perspectives

  • The eight-pillars strategy of a comprehensive tourism recovery plan  
    - Rebalance priorities and budget
    - Data analytics
    - Focus segmentation
    - Demand stimulation
    - MKT, communications and branding
    - Alliances and partnerships
    - Stakeholder collaboration
    - Technology, innovation and up skilling

  • Tourism Board & business perspectives working together 

  • Expanded ecosystem strategy

  • The importance of brand and business repositioning for growth

  • Case studies - Selected countries recovery plan strategies